Presentation Fellowship
Presentation Fellowship

About Presentation Fellowships
The Presentation Fellowship is a great opportunity for students who plan to present a research paper or comparable creative activity at a professional conference. This fellowship provides funding for enrolled master’s, specialist, and doctoral students to share their research at a professional meeting. Students must be the primary author and presenter.
- Only enrolled graduate students (master’s, specialist, doctoral) in good academic standing are eligible. The Graduate Presentation Fellowship Program is primarily intended for full-time graduate students, but part-time students may also apply.
- Students must be enrolled during the term of the award and at the time of the presentation to qualify for the payment. For summer awards, students must be enrolled in the Summer A or C session.
- Only one application per student may be funded for an academic year (e.g. Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025)
- The student must be delivering a research presentation or comparable creative activity at a professional meeting, with preference being given to those presenting at national and international meetings. Students must be the primary student author and presenter.
- For a presentation co-authored by two or more students, funding will be provided to only one student author.
- Within 5 days of your presentation, submit the Presentation Fellowship Report (in your myUCF Student Center) to the College of Graduate Studies, including proof of presentation.
Graduate students enrolled in fully online programs that exempt them from paying campus-based fees and M.D. students are not eligible for university fellowships offered through the College of Graduate Studies. Students that have received a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security can be considered for scholarships from private donors or for private loans but are not eligible for institutional aid.
Application Deadlines
Awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis, so students are encouraged to apply early in the award period. You must be an enrolled student at the time of the presentation to qualify for the fellowship and receive payment. Please see the Academic Calendar for semester dates.
As a reminder, you must be enrolled and present in the U.S. during the term of your presentation to qualify for the funding. We are now accepting Fall 2024 through Summer 2025 applications.
Fall 2024 Application Deadline: November 30, 2024
Presentations completed during the Fall 2024 semester (August 19, 2024 through January 5, 2025).
Spring 2025 Application Deadline: April 15, 2025
Presentations completed during the Spring 2025 semester (January 6, 2025 through May 12, 2025).
Summer 2025 Application Deadline: July 1, 2025
Presentations completed during the Summer 2025 semester (May 13, 2025 through August 18, 2025). Students must be enrolled in the Summer A or C session to qualify.
Award Amounts
The Graduate Presentation Fellowship will be awarded in the amount of:
- Virtual ($150)
- In-state ($300)
- United States (including Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Alaska), Canada, or Mexico ($500)
- International ($800)
The Presentation fellowship payment will first apply to any account balance that is still owed to UCF. Remaining funds will then be disbursed either as a direct deposit or by check (mailed to the current mailing address of record). To set up direct deposit, go to and log in to myUCF. In Student Self Service, go to Student Accounts, Direct Deposit and enter the financial institution information.
Please note that federal regulations require, when students have need-based financial aid (meaning student loans, not assistantship stipends or fellowships), that the federal need as established by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) cannot be exceeded. In addition, total aid awarded (what you would receive in loans added to the Presentation Fellowship) cannot exceed the cost of attendance. If this occurs, a portion of the financial aid package (the loan portion) will be reduced or canceled. If you have questions, visit the Office of Student Financial Assistance website.
Applying for a Presentation Fellowship
Before You Begin
See myUCF for Graduate Students for instructions on how to log into myUCF and access the Graduate Presentation Fellowship application.
- The College of Graduate Studies will communicate with you via your UCF email address, so be sure you check this email account regularly.
- Prepare your presentation abstract (60-75 words) and conference acceptance indicating that you have been accepted to present. You are required to attach these documents (PDF files only) when submitting your application.
The conference acceptance may be an e-mail or letter that you received or the conference program with your name and presentation highlighted. If your presentation has not yet been accepted, you will need to wait and apply for the Presentation Fellowship when you receive proof of your acceptance.
Completing the Presentation Fellowship Application in myUCF
- Login to your myUCF account using your UCF ID and UCF ID password.
- Click on Student Self Service to enter your Student Center.
- From within your Student Center, scroll down to the Graduate Students
- Select Presentation Fellowship App from the choose Graduate Form drop-down box and hit the Go
- Complete the online application and attach your abstract and proof of acceptance files.
- Submit the application. You should receive a notice that your application submitted successfully.
Receiving the Graduate College Decision
The Graduate College reviews and makes decisions on fellowship applications weekly. You will receive an email in your UCF email account telling you whether your fellowship application has been approved or not.
If you are awarded the Presentation Fellowship, you will see it in your myUCF Student Center, Graduate Funding page. An awarded fellowship shows as Off/Accept status; later, when the funds have been paid to you, the award status will change to Paid. If you are an international student, your fellowship must go through a tax review by UCF Global before it will disburse. You will be contacted concerning this process.
If you have questions about your Presentation Fellowship, contact the Graduate College at
Be sure to keep a copy of your conference attendance (conference agenda or conference registration confirmation).
Enjoy the conference!
Completing the Presentation Fellowship Report
If you received a Graduate Presentation Fellowship, you are required to complete the Presentation Fellowship Report in the myUCF Student Center within 5 days after completing your travel. This form verifies that you presented at the conference.
Before You Begin
- Scan your proof of presentation and save as a PDF file. If you will be using your conference agenda as proof of presentation, please limit the file to only the pages pertaining to your presentation. You are required to attach this document when submitting your report.
Completing the Presentation Fellowship Report in myUCF
- Login to your myUCF account using your UCF ID and UCF ID password.
- Click on Student Self Service to enter your Student Center.
- From within your Student Center, scroll down to the Graduate Students
- Select Presentation Fellowship Report from the choose Graduate Form drop-down box and hit the Go
- Complete the online report and attach your proof of presentation file.
- Submit the report. You should receive a notice that your report submitted successfully.
Receiving the Graduate College Decision
The Graduate College reviews and makes decisions on Presentation Fellowship Reports weekly. You will receive an email in your UCF email account telling you whether your report has been approved or not.
If your report was not approved, the Graduate College will send you instructions regarding resubmission. Check your UCF email for this communication and read it carefully before you resubmit your report.
If you have questions about your Presentation Fellowship Report, contact the Graduate College at