Special Leave of Absence
You may request a special leave of absence (SLOA) if you need to take time off for at least one semester and up to 6 semesters. An approved SLOA will pause up to 3 semesters on your 7-year completion clock (from your original admit term) and allow you to return as an active student to your program at a predetermined time.
To read more about the policy, please visit the Special Leave of Absence policy page in the Graduate Catalog.
If you are on an approved SLOA you,
- Are not permitted to use campus resources while on SLOA, but will retain access to UCF email
- Can request additional semesters of SLOA, if needed during the SLOA, up to 6 semesters total.
- May not enroll in any credits during the SLOA
- Must enroll in the semester immediately after your last approved semester of SLOA.
- Will be discontinued from your program if you do not enroll in the semester you’re expected to return.
- May return sooner than expected from SLOA, if circumstances change. However, to enroll, you must email gradservices@ucf.edu to remove the registration hold
How To Initiate
You may request a SLOA by completing the Special Leave of Absence Request form. The request must be made before the end of the Drop/Add period of the first term of leave.
Special Leave of Absence How-To