Academic Integrity Training
Academic Integrity Training

Academic Integrity Training Requirements
All newly admitted UCF graduate students must complete training designed to create awareness and understanding of fundamental issues related to ethics, academic integrity, and the responsible conduct of research (RCR) in accordance with university guidelines.
This required training includes:
For all graduate students: The online, asynchronous ethics Webcourse, Pressures to Plagiarize.
For all doctoral students: Two online, synchronous ethics/RCR workshops on Personal & Professional Integrity and Ethics & Research Integrity.
Ethics Workshop Requirements
- Students are strongly encouraged to take these workshops in order (Part 1 then Part 2), but they are not required to be completed in order
- All ethics workshops are held in online format through Zoom and advanced registration through the links listed on the schedule below is required
- All participants are required to have their camera on (if possible) and be present for 80 percent of the workshop to receive attendance credit
- The use of transcription services (such as during these sessions is prohibited as attendees are expected to be active participants and engage with the content, facilitator, and other attendees
- If documented accommodations are needed, please email at least 48 hours in advance of a session
- Logging into your Zoom account at prior to accessing the meeting is recommended to have the full range of features
- Please note that it can take 2-3 business days for your myUCF To Do list to reflect the workshop completion
Spring 2025 Ethics Workshop Schedule
Workshop | Day | Date | Time | Registration |
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity | Tues | 1/21/2025 | 10 am – 12 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity | Wed | 1/29/2025 | 5:30 -7:30 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity | Fri | 2/7/2025 | 10 am – 12 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity | Tues | 2/11/2025 | 10 am – 12 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity | Wed | 2/18/2025 | 2 -4 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity | Thurs | 2/27/2025 | 2 -4 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity | Wed | 3/5/2025 | 5:30 – 7:30 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity | Fri | 3/14/2025 | 2 -4 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity | Tues | 3/25/2025 | 12 – 2 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity | Wed | 4/2/2025 | 10 am – 12 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity | Thurs | 4/10/2025 | 10 am – 12 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity | Tues | 4/15/2025 | 1:30 – 3:30 pm | Click for Zoom Registration |
Academic Integrity Training Policy Details
UCF’s academic integrity training policy information can be found in the Graduate Catalog under Master’s and Doctoral Program Policies. All requirements will be tracked in your myUCF Student Center under the To Do list.
As of the Fall 2024 Semester, UCF no longer requires doctoral students to complete CITI Responsible Conduct of Research training, but this training and/or other CITI trainings, (such as IRB, conflict of interest, etc.) may be required for a class assignment or by your graduate program.
Doctoral students who have not completed two academic integrity workshops must register for and complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the ethics workshops above. Students admitted prior to fall 2024 in programs previously exempt from the workshop requirement will remain exempt; see list of previously exempt programs
Pressures to Plagiarize
All graduate students must complete the Pressures to Plagiarize Webcourse before the end of their first semester. Students are automatically enrolled in the course soon after they accept their acceptance to their UCF graduate program.
Graduate students who do not complete Pressures to Plagiarize by their first semester will not be eligible to register for courses in their next semester.
For information on Pressures to Plagiarize, please see
Ethics Workshops
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity and Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity must be completed in the student’s first two years (six semesters).
A doctoral student who has not completed the required ethics workshops within their first two years (six semesters) will not be eligible to register for courses in subsequent semesters.
Ethics Workshop Descriptions
The following workshops were created by the UCF Center for Ethics to serve as an introduction to issues of responsible conduct of research and help doctoral students have a fundamental understanding of their ethical obligations as graduate students.
Part 1: Personal and Professional Integrity
In this discussion-driven workshop, we examine the concept of integrity and its role in shaping our behaviors and attitudes as individuals. We compare personal integrity with research integrity and academic integrity through examples, case studies, and conceptual lenses. Our goal is sustained critical application of ethical frameworks and concepts from this workshop in support of good decisions across the widely varied contexts you encounter in your work as graduate students.
Part 2: Ethics and Research Integrity
This workshop focuses on research integrity as an essential attribute of graduate students, in your dual role as student-learners and research leaders. We work through the core federally-defined areas of responsible conduct of research via examples and cases, articulating connections among ethical challenges across the research lifecycle. Our goal is to help you see interfaces among the rules of compliance and the principles of ethics, and to understand how both compliance and ethics must be at the forefront of decision making for professionals.
UCF Center for Ethics
The UCF Center for Ethics aims to cultivate an institutional culture of ethical literacy, including a unified and ongoing conversation about ethics and a habit of practical application around ethics in research, teaching, and partnerships. The College of Graduate Studies collaborates with the Center for Ethics to provide Academic Integrity workshops and other ethics-based programming. Learn more about the Center for Ethics, as well as their Be Better Club at