Academic Services

No. Your professor can support your decision to petition but does not have the authority to approve your petition. If your petition is approved your professor’s input will determine if you receive a “Withdraw Passing” (WP) or a “Withdraw Failing” (WF) for the course. Talk to your professor before pursuing a Late Withdrawal petition.

How to file a medical hold removal application:

If you have been placed on medical hold and are ready to return to classes, you must apply for a medical hold removal.

  1. Complete a Removal of Medical Hold form. You and your physician(s) will need to complete the form. Your physician(s) must forward/mail the original form to College of Graduate Studies Office of Academic Services at the address on the form. If more than one physician will complete the form, you may make a copy of the form or request one from Academic Services.
  2. Write a letter of progress addressed to the committee, indicating the following:

    • How you have treated your medical condition, and your plans for continuing treatment when you return to classes, if applicable.
    • Your future plans for returning to the university, including your intended course load for the semester and your plans for academic success in these classes.

You may email your letter of progress to Gradservices@ucf.edu, submit the letter in-person to Trevor Colbourn Hall Suite 205A with a photo id, or mail the letter to our mailing address (College of Graduate Studies, Office of Academic Services, P.O. Box 160112, Orlando, FL 32816-0112). Both the Removal of Medical Hold form from your physician and your letter of progress to the committee must be submitted within the application window. The application window dates are located under “Medical Hold Removal Applications” toward the bottom of our website.

Once Academic Services receives your completed forms and supporting documents, the committee will review it on a first-come, first-serve basis. Submitting incomplete information and not providing all required documentation will delay the review of your application.

If you need the Removal of Medical Hold form, please email gradservices@ucf.edu with your name, UCFID and the semester you are applying to have your medical hold lifted.

If you have a hold, it means that you have yet to submit your probation plan by the mid-point of the next semester. You need to complete a Probation Completion plan through the Dynamic Form tool as soon as possible to have the hold removed to register for classes.  

Graduate students must complete the Change of Name Form and submit it with supporting documentation to graddegr@ucf.edu.

You must attach a copy of an official legal document containing the changed name: (e.g., Driver’s License, Social Security Card, Military ID, Vehicle Registration, Divorce Decree, Passport, Government ID.).

A hold will be placed on your record preventing you from registering for classes.

A Late Drop and a Late Withdrawal are the same as a Drop or Withdrawal except that they are petitioned after their respective deadlines (Please check the Academic Calendar for dates). If approved, a Late Drop results in a full refund of tuition fees and the complete removal of the course from the student’s academic record. If approved, a Late Withdrawal does not refund tuition fees, and a grade of “W" will be assigned by the instructor.

Students are given 6-8 weeks to complete the course. Please reference the FAQs in the course module which specifies the completion deadline for the term you're expected to complete the course.

You can find your enrollment date and time by logging into myUCF and navigating to Student Self-Service. You will see an “Enrollment Appointment” box on the right side of your screen.  

Admission Requirements

The minimum UCF admissions requirements are as follows:

A bachelor's degree from an accredited US institution recognized by UCF or its equivalent from a foreign institution and a GPA of 3.0 or more (on a 4.0 maximum) in all work attempted while registered as an undergraduate student OR 3.0 GPA (or equivalent) or better in all work attempted while registered as an upper division student working for a baccalaureate degree, OR

A graduate degree or professional degree or equivalent from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or its equivalent from a foreign institution in a field related to the discipline of the program to which the student is applying.

A standardized test may or may not be required for your program. To view all application requirements and deadline for all programs, visit https://graduate.ucf.edu/application-deadlines-and-requirements/

Note: Meeting the minimum requirements outlined above do not guarantee admission into any specific program.

Application Requirements

You can check the status of your application and supporting documents by accessing your applicant portal at https://applynow.graduate.ucf.edu/apply/status.

Submission of Scanned Transcripts During Application Process:

During the application process, you may upload PDF copies of your transcripts which we will use to review your application. These transcripts should be scanned copies of the official paper transcript issued to you by the Registrar.

If you do not have copies available at this time, you will also have the option to upload your transcripts once your application is submitted using the applicant portal.

Before uploading, please note the following:

We will not accept copies of unofficial transcripts or screen shots of your grades from your institutions student academic portal. The transcript you upload must be a scanned copy (front and back) of the official transcript issued to you by the school Registrar.

Admitted Students:

All admitted students must request official transcripts (in a sealed envelope) from each previous college or university attended.  Official transcripts can be mailed to:

UCF College of Graduate Studies
Millican Hall, Room 230
PO Box 160112
Orlando, FL 32816-0112

If sending through FEDEX/UPS:

UCF College of Graduate Studies
4365 Andromeda Loop N.
Millican Hall Room 230
Orlando FL 32816-0112

Admission decision time frames vary by graduate department. Your best option would be to contact your department directly concerning the status of your application.

You can find the graduate program contact for your program of interest in the graduate catalog here, http://catalog.ucf.edu/content.php?catoid=4&navoid=239. Once you find your program of interest, click on the program name. Then scroll to the bottom of the page to find contact info and use the contacts listed under “Graduate Program

The university application deadlines for most UCF graduate programs are as follows:

Fall:  July 1
Spring:  December 1
Summer: April 1

Most graduate programs have earlier deadlines.  Please visit for https://graduate.ucf.edu/application-deadlines-and-requirements/ complete deadline information.

Each department has its own time frame for reviewing completed applications. You will be notified via email of your admissions decision. The College of Graduate Studies grants the final admission and notifies the applicant via email.

Testing Agencies:

  • GMAT Services -- 1-800-GMAT-NOW | www.mba.com/us | UCF Institution Code: RZT-HT-58
  • GRE Services -- 1-800-GRE-CALL | www.ets.org | UCF Institution Code: 5233

Official test scores must be electronically forwarded to the UCF College of Graduate Studies directly from the appropriate testing agency.  Test scores must be on file by the stated application deadline. Test scores are usually available in four to six weeks.

Please note test scores are only valid for five years. If ETS/Pearson Vue cannot provide an official copy, students will need to repeat the GRE or GMAT and have an official score reported to the UCF College of Graduate Studies.

Application Requirements: International Applicants

During the application process (https://graduate.ucf.edu/applying-to-ucf/), you may upload PDF copies of your transcripts which we will use to review your application. These transcripts should be scanned copies of the official paper transcript issued to you by the Registrar.

Before uploading, please note the following:

We will not accept copies of unofficial transcripts or screen shots of your grades from your institutions student academic portal. The transcript you upload must be a scanned copy (front and back) of the official transcript issued to you by the school Registrar.

If you are uploading academic credentials from Non-US institutions, please be sure your upload includes:

Transcript/Marksheet in English AND Original Language (if other than English)
Degree Certificate in English AND Original Language (if other than English)

Indian Applicants - Please visit https://ww2.graduate.ucf.edu/CountryRequirements/index.cfm?CountrySelect=IND for detailed information regarding policies regarding individual semester marketsheets and proper attestation (university vs. affiliated college)

Additional information, including specific document requirements, can be found at https://ww2.graduate.ucf.edu/countryrequirements/. Questions may be emailed to gradevals@ucf.edu

If you receive an offer of admission, you will be required to submit an official paper transcript. The official paper transcript will be compared to the document you uploaded. Any alterations or omission of information on the transcripts submitted to The University of Central Florida could be grounds for cancellation of your application and/or the withdrawal of the offer of admission.

Some UCF programs do require an outside Course-by-Course evaluation with GPA calculation while others accept an internal evaluation which our office will complete as part of your application.

To verify whether or not an outside evaluation is required for your specific program:

Visit UCF's Application Requirements and Deadlines Page: https://graduate.ucf.edu/application-deadlines-and-requirements/
Click on the specific program AND track (if applicable) you are applying to
If an outside evaluation is required, you will see the following statement; "Applicants applying to this program who have attended a college/university outside the United States must provide a course-by-course credential evaluation with GPA calculation. Credential evaluations are accepted from World Education Services (WES) or Josef Silny and Associates, Inc. only."

We will accept evaluations from either World Education Services, Inc., www.wes.org, or from Josef Silny and Associates, Inc.,www.jsilny.com. These evaluations must be course-by-course evaluated. We also require that you submit official transcripts which include your marks sheet(s) and degree certificate(s).

Scanned official documents to be submitted will include: transcripts/mark sheets showing all classes taken, and grades/marks earned; degree certificates/diplomas showing degrees conferred, and dates awarded; and English translations, when necessary. More information can be found by visiting UCF's Sample Country Requirements.

If you receive an offer of admission, you will be required to submit an official paper transcript. The official paper transcript will be compared to the document you uploaded. Any alterations or omission of information on the transcripts submitted to The University of Central Florida could be grounds for cancellation of your application and/or the withdrawal of the offer of admission.

It depends. Some UCF programs do require an outside Course-by-Course evaluation with GPA calculation while others accept an internal evaluation which our office will complete as part of your application.

To verify whether or not an outside evaluation is required for your specific program:

Visit UCF's Application Requirements and Deadlines Page: https://graduate.ucf.edu/application-deadlines-and-requirements/
Click on the specific program AND track (if applicable) you are applying to
If an outside evaluation is required, you will see the following statement; "Applicants applying to this program who have attended a college/university outside the United States must provide a course-by-course credential evaluation with GPA calculation. Credential evaluations are accepted from World Education Services (WES) or Josef Silny and Associates, Inc. only."

We will accept evaluations from either World Education Services, Inc., www.wes.org, or from Josef Silny and Associates, Inc.,www.jsilny.com. These evaluations must be course-by-course evaluated. We also require that you submit official transcripts which include your marks sheet(s) and degree certificate(s).

Generally, students fall under one of these two visa classifications: an F-1 student visa or a J-1 exchange visitor visa. For more information on which visa classification is right for you, please visit the UCF Global website global.ucf.edu.

All applicants for graduate study at the University of Central Florida must hold a U.S. bachelor’s degree, or its equivalent, from a regionally accredited or governmentally recognized institution of higher learning. This is a minimum requirement for admission to a graduate program at UCF.

Minimum UCF Requirement for GRE/GMAT

There is no University minimum requirement for these test scores. Please speak directly with your program’s director to determine if that program has any specific minimum GRE/GMAT score requirements.

Minimum UCF Requirement for TOEFL/IELTS

  • TOEFL iBT score of 80
  • IELTS band score of 6.5

Please note, some programs may require higher TOEFL or IELTS scores.

The following applicants are exempt from the TOEFL or IELTS requirements:

  • those who are from countries where English is the only official language;
  • those who have earned a degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university;
  • those who have earned a degree from a country where English is the only official language;
  • those who have earned a degree from a university at which English is the only official language of instruction; or
  • those who have successfully completed Level 8 of UCF’s Intensive English Program with a grade of “B” or better.

International students applying to programs requiring an outside Course-by-Course Evaluation with GPA calculation must submit a course-by-course evaluation of their official transcripts from a credential evaluation service recommended by UCF. This course-by-course evaluation must show a GPA that is equivalent to a 3.0 from an earned degree that is equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree.


You must be accepted as a graduate student in a degree program and be enrolled full-time to qualify for a graduate assistantship. Graduate students enrolled in fully online programs that exempt them from paying campus-based fees are not eligible for university assistantships offered through the College of Graduate Studies.

If you are receiving a university fellowship that is accompanied by a tuition waiver or you are a graduate assistant with a single appointment of at least 20 hours per week (0.5 FTE) or two appointments of at least 10 hours per week each (0.25 FTE each), you qualify for health insurance coverage paid for by the College of Graduate Studies.

The level of tuition remission will be commensurate with the level of your assistantship appointment. If you have a half-time appointment (10 hours per week), you are eligible for tuition remission of one-half of the resident (in-state) tuition. If you have a full-time appointment (20 hours per week), you are eligible to receive full resident (in-state) tuition remission. Tuition remission does not include local fees (building fee, financial aid fee, activity and service fee, athletic fee, etc.); however, some hiring departments do cover all or part of these local fees.

You should contact your Graduate Program Director for application guidelines.

A graduate assistantship is an appointment that offers opportunities for students to engage in research, teaching, and other projects during their graduate study. Both half- and full-stipend assistantships are available. Half-stipend assistantships require students to perform assistantship assignments for a minimum of 10 hours per week during the period of the assignment. Full-stipend assistantships require students to perform assistantship assignments for a minimum of 20 hours per week during the period of the assignment.

Degree Certification

Diplomas will be mailed approximately 6 to 8 weeks after the commencement ceremony to the address indicated on the student's Intent to Graduate form. Students who have changed their address should log into myUCF and go to Student Self Service > Personal Information in order to update your contact information.

If it has been more than five weeks since final grades posted, and you have not received confirmation that your degree has been certified, please contact your Graduate Program. Please refer to the Academic Calendar to verify when final grades have been posted.

It depends on what UCF has on file for your legal name. If there is a name discrepancy that we need to verify, the College of Graduate Studies will follow up via your UCF email.

  • If you’re trying to onlly have your middle initial instead of your full middle name, and UCF has record of your full name and it matches, you should be able to note this change when filing the ITG (First Middle Last > First M Last)
  • If you want to add a middle name or initial that UCF does not have record of, you will need to submit some form of documentation to the Registrar’s Office to be updated.
  • If you have a name change, you will need to provide that documentation to the Registrar’s Office.

Degree certification refers to the official approval that the student has met all degree requirements.

It occurs after final grades have posted. It takes approximately 5 weeks for the programs and the College of Graduate Studies to complete the process.

Digital diplomas are available to those who graduated from UCF in Spring 2022 and forward through Parchment https://www.parchment.com/u/auth/login. Unfortunately, digital diplomas are not available for those who graduated prior to Spring 2022.

Duplicate diplomas can be ordered through the Registrar's Office at www.registrar.ucf.edu.


Students must be accepted as a graduate student in a degree program and enrolled full-time to be eligible for university fellowships or assistantships. Nondegree-seeking students,students who are only admitted to a graduate certificate program, and students enrolled in fully online programs that exempt them from paying campus-based fees are ineligible for UCF fellowships.

Yes, you can request a short-term advance to cover books and supplies or unexpected emergencies. Visit the Office of Student Financial Assistance website at finaid.ucf.edu/receiving/funds-for-books/ for more information.

UCF offers fellowships for doctoral and master's students, international and domestic students, underrepresented students, and newly admitted students. For a complete listing of our fellowships, please visit the Fellowships section of our website at https://graduate.ucf.edu/fellowships/. Additional information is available in the External Funding as well.

Most graduate fellowships are disbursed through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, based on instructions provided by the UCF College of Graduate Studies. Student Financial Assistance begins disbursing fellowship funds and other aid after the registration and drop/add period has ended (usually the second week of the term). For the portion of tuition charges covered by the fellowship, the tuition payment deadline will be deferred until fellowship disbursement. If students are not enrolled in full-time hours by the end of the drop/add period, their fellowship will be canceled. Fellowship payment will first be applied to the student's account balance. Remaining funds will be disbursed to the student either as a check mailed to the current mailing address of record or as a direct deposit into the student's account if the student has provided the bank information in myUCF.

Students can check to see if a fellowship payment has been applied to their account through myUCF. In myUCF, select "Student Accounts" to see awards that have been set up to pay against your account.

If you are selected as a fellowship recipient, you will be notified by the College of Graduate Studies by email. Offers will be sent to your Knights e-mail account (if it is established). If you do not have a Knights email account, the offer will be sent to the preferred email address on record with UCF. Please make sure that your email, telephone number, and mailing address are current in myUCF.

International students are eligible for graduate assistantships and certain university fellowships.

International students with fellowships must complete additional paperwork with the UCF Global. Deferments for tuition and fellowship awards will be placed on the student's account, but payment cannot occur until all required paperwork is completed and the valid Social Security Number (SSN) has been provided to the Registrar's Office.

Review the Financial Information section of the current Graduate Catalog for additional information.

No. University merit-based fellowships require student nominations through the college and program offices. All admitted graduate students who apply by the Fall Priority Deadline are automatically eligible for consideration in this nomination process. For more information, you should communicate directly with your program.

For a list of graduate fellowships that do require a student application, visit https://graduate.ucf.edu/fellowships/.

In myUCF, select "Student Accounts" and click on the "View Your Account" option to verify that the tuition remission has posted to your account. This information will also appear on your fee invoice.


Our Academic Calendar can be found by visiting the UCF Registrar's Office website at http://calendar.ucf.edu/.

All of our online courses are available for you to review in www.graduatecatalog.ucf.edu or www.ucf.edu/online/.

Applicants are able to be admitted using unofficial transcripts. Please contact gradadmissions@ucf.edu for additional information.

Yes, students who have been admitted to a graduate certificate program must apply to graduate by submitting a Graduate Certificate Completion Form.

In general, UCF does not offer housing for graduate students on the main east Orlando campus. However, graduate students are eligible for UCF-Affiliated Housing that is located near the main campus (e.g., Knights Circle, The Point at Central, and NorthView) and the Rosen and Downtown campuses. Also, a variety of additional housing options are often listed on the UCF Off-Campus Housing Website.


You should file an Intent to Graduate as soon as possible so that your degree is conferred that term. Also, you will be given the option to walk in a commencement ceremony during one of the three following terms.

A full-time degree-seeking graduate student must take at least nine credit hours in the fall and spring semesters. A half-time load is defined as enrolled in at least 4.5 credit hours in fall and spring terms. During the summer term, full-time is six credit hours and half-time is three credit hours. Nondegree students must be enrolled in 12 credit hours or more to be considered full-time.

Our current tuition and fee schedule can be found by visiting the UCF Office of Institutional Research website at https://studentaccounts.ucf.edu/tf-graduate/. The new fees for the next fall, spring, and summer semesters are available mid-July of each year.

For more information related to the UCF branch campuses, please visit the UCF Connect webpage at https://connect.ucf.edu/.

Graduate Plan of Study (GPS) / Degree Audit

You can access your GPS (degree audit) by logging into the myUCF portal, navigating to the Student Center, and choosing Degree Audit from the drop-down box under Academics.  For more information on accessing your degree audit visit https://graduate.ucf.edu/graduate-plan-of-study/.

The GPS (degree audit) is an advising tool for students and advisors to track progress toward the degree or certificate completion.

Health Insurance

Yes, you can add dependent coverage after you have been enrolled in the UCF Student Health Plan by the College of Graduate Studies. Go to the Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk website (www.gallagherstudent.com/students/student-home.php?idField=1183) and follow the instructions there to complete the Dependent Enroll section. You will need to pay for your dependents' coverage yourself.

Yes, students with the UCF Student Health Insurance Plan, underwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company and serviced by Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk, may use the UCF Health Center.

No, the College of Graduate Studies will send notice to Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk to enroll you in paid UnitedHealthcare health insurance coverage once we have received your completed Health Insurance Form (submitted through your myUCF Student Center) and have verified your qualifying assistantship or fellowship.

If you are receiving a university fellowship that is accompanied by a tuition waiver or you are a graduate assistant with a single appointment of at least 20 hours per week (0.5 FTE) or two appointments of at least 10 hours per week each (0.25 FTE each), you qualify for health insurance coverage paid for by the College of Graduate Studies.

All qualifying assistantship and fellowship students must accept or decline health insurance coverage by completing the Health Insurance Form in their myUCF Student Center. The College of Graduate Studies will contact you via e-mail with instructions for completing this form.

The College of Graduate Studies will provide health insurance coverage for all university fellows and graduate assistants with appointments totaling 20 hours per week. Health insurance coverage is part of the student's financial package.

After you have received notice in your Knights e-mail that the College of Graduate Studies has approved your Health Insurance Form, it takes up to 10 business days before your health insurance enrollment is fully processed. You can then go to the Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk website (www.gallagherstudent.com/floridausystem/) and create an account and print your health insurance ID card. Questions regarding the status of your health insurance enrollment can be sent to gradassistantship@ucf.edu or Joy Kittredge at (407) 823-0127.

Once the College of Graduate Studies verifies that you qualify for paid health insurance coverage we will send notice to the UCF Health Center of your health insurance coverage and request adjustment of the health insurance hold. Please do not contact the UCF Health Center directly to remove your health insurance hold. Also, the adjustment of your health insurance hold is not immediate; it may take a couple of days, depending on when the request is received. Please contact gradassistantship@ucf.edu or Joy Kittredge (407) 823-0127 if you need assistance.

In order to change your health insurance decision, please contact gradassistantship@ucf.edu or Joy Kittredge at (407) 823-0127 for instructions. If the health insurance enrollment period is still open, then the College of Graduate Studies will be able to change your decision right away. If the health insurance enrollment period is closed, then the change would be in effect for the next semester. For example, a decision change received by the College of Graduate Studies on September 15 could be changed for fall semester, but a decision change received by the College on October 1 would be changed effective with spring semester.

Yes, you can use the UCF Health Center in the summer but will be required to pay an additional off-semester fee to the Health Center.

Yes, if you have a qualifying spring assistantship or fellowship, you will receive spring and summer health insurance coverage from January 1 through August 14. You do not have to be enrolled in summer semester courses or have a summer assistantship to receive the summer health insurance coverage.

No, the UCF Student Health Plan, underwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company and serviced by Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk is not COBRA-eligible as it is based on student eligibility (that is, class enrollment), not job eligibility.

No, you are ineligible to enroll in the UCF Health Insurance Plan, underwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company and serviced by Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk, because you are not a currently enrolled student at UCF.

Students with qualifying assistantships and fellowships in the fall term will receive fall coverage, running from August 15 to December 31.

Students with qualifying assistantships and fellowships in the spring term will receive spring and summer coverage, running from January 1 to August 14.

Students with qualifying assistantships and fellowships in the summer term only will receive summer coverage, running from May 1 to August 14.

Note: Students must be enrolled for the first 31 days of the semester in which health insurance is paid for in order to retain their coverage.

Students will receive the UCF Student Health Insurance Plan, underwritten by United Healthcare Insurance Company and serviced by Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk. The details of the plan are available at the Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk website (www.gallagherstudent.com/floridausystem/).

You may receive health insurance paid by the College of Graduate Studies at the beginning of the academic year (fall) or at the beginning of the term in which you first enroll in UCF for that academic year. If you are a newly appointed graduate assistant or university fellow, you can receive paid health insurance at the beginning of the term in which your graduate assistantship or fellowship begins.

Please note that the College of Graduate Studies enrolls qualifying assistantship and fellowship students in health insurance based on whether students accept or decline this coverage on the Health Insurance Form in their myUCF Student Center. If you qualify to receive paid health insurance, the College of Graduate Studies will send an email to your Knights account to inform you and provide instructions on how to accept or decline this coverage.

Once your health insurance enrollment has been fully processed by the College of Graduate Studies and Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk, you can go to the Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk website (www.gallagherstudent.com/floridausystem/) to create an account, review the health insurance plan, and print your health insurance ID card.

Intent to Graduate

Check your ITG status in myUCF. Navigate to myUCF > Student Self Service > Graduate Students > Intent to Graduate: Status from “other academic...” drop down menu. Only students who have active ITG’s will have access to this page. Verify that your “Notice of Intent to Graduate Submitted” status is “Complete.”

Only students earning graduate degrees can participate in commencement ceremonies.

  • Make sure you haven’t already applied for your intent to graduate (ITG). Check your ITG Status in myUCF to verify.
  • Make sure that you’re admitted to the program you are trying to earn. This includes certificates. All programs require separate admission.
  • Talk to your graduate program advisor to confirm your status in the program.

    That’s ok.  Your academic college can withdraw your ITG so that you may submit it again in a future semester.

    No. Students must apply to the graduate certificate program, be admitted, and then enroll to earn a graduate certificate.

    • If you file a late ITG before the end of the semester, your degree may be awarded this semester.  However, you will not be able to participate in commencement this semester. Please consider filing a Walk-Only request in any of the next 3 semesters to participate in commencement.
    • If you miss the late ITG deadline, please file an ITG for the next semester. If you already meet degree requirements, you will not need to enroll. However, if you file for a graduate certificate only, you will be required to enroll. 

          Commencement requires advanced planning to execute properly so that students have a special experience, including their names in the commencement program.  We do not offer exceptions because we want all students and their families who participate to have the full experience.  You may participate in any of the next 3 semesters of commencement so you and your family can celebrate.

          Yes, students who have been admitted to a graduate certificate program must apply to graduate by submitting a Graduate Certificate Completion Form.

          It’s better to file the ITG, if you think that there’s a chance that you will finish your degree.  Your academic college can withdraw it later if you need additional time to complete your degree.  Then, you may file an ITG for a future semester.

          You should file an Intent to Graduate as soon as possible so that your degree is conferred that term. Also, you will be given the option to walk in a commencement ceremony during one of the three following terms.

          In order to apply to graduate, a student must submit an Intent to Graduate form by the respective deadline. Failure to submit an ITG by the deadline will result in your inability to participate in the commencement ceremony. Submit the ITG application through myUCF Student Self Service during the application filing window as posted in the UCF Academic Calendar.

          myUCF Self Service > Student Center > Other Academic… > Intent to graduate – Apply

            Pathways to Success

            All Academic Integrity workshops are face-to-face (synchronous) but can take place online.

            Some doctoral programs are exempt from the workshop requirement. However, students in these programs must still complete the CITI training. This requirement cannot be waived for any student and students may not petition to be exempt from the workshops or CITI requirement. For a list of programs that are exempt from the workshops, please see Pathways to Success.

            Registration is not required for workshops. You can just attend on the day and time of a workshop.

            The workshop type will be indicated in the title of the workshop. For example, "Ethics: Personal Integrity as a Graduate Student - CORE."

            Postdocs do not need to register in advance for workshops. Please just be sure to sign in to the roster at the session you attend.

            Although, these workshops are meant to be attended by graduate students and postdocs, we do not turn away the UCF community (faculty, staff, undergraduate student) if they would like to attend.

            There is no cost associated with these workshops.

            Personal and Professional workshops developed specifically for graduate students and postdocs.  These free workshops are coordinated by the College of Graduate Studies and facilitated by many different offices around campus or around the central Florida community.

            All doctoral students must take CITI Responsible Conduct of Research module. Doctoral students in non-exempt programs must also take four face-to-face academic integrity workshops. Students must take at least two Core workshops and at least two other Core or Elective workshops for a total of four workshops.

            The CITI module and the workshops must be completed before advancing to candidacy or graduating in programs that do not have candidacy. Students will not be able to register for dissertation hours if they have not completed this requirement.

            Please allow two to three days following each workshop for your To Do list to be updated.

            Most of the workshops are held in the Graduate Student Center located in Trevor Colbourn Hall, 208 unless otherwise indicated on the schedule. Please see the UCF Events Calendar for specific locations.

            Policies and Responsibilities

            The degree audit is an advising tool for students and advisors to track progress toward the degree or certificate completion. You can access your degree audit by logging into the myUCF portal and navigating to the Student Center and choosing Degree Audit from the drop-down box under Academics.  For more information on accessing your degree audit visit the https://graduate.ucf.edu/graduate-plan-of-study/.

            If you have a hold, it means that you have yet to submit your probation plan by the mid-point of the next semester. You need to complete a Probation Completion plan through the Dynamic Form tool as soon as possible to have the hold removed to register for classes.  

            When unusual situations arise, petitions for exceptions to policy may be requested by the student. Depending on the type of appeal, the student should contact his/her program adviser to start the process. The petition process should start early, as soon as the problem is identified, and should always be filed using a Graduate Petition Form. Please refer to Academic Grievance Procedure and Petitions of Graduate Requirements Procedures in the Graduate Catalog for details. The Petition Form is available in the Forms and References section of the website.

            Programs of Study for students seeking a master's or specialist degree should be on file with the College of Graduate Studies by the end of the student's second major term (based on full-time enrollment) and must be on file by the end of the term prior to the term of expected graduation. Programs of Study for students seeking a doctoral degree should be on file with the College of Graduate Studies by the end of the third major term of enrollment (based on full-time enrollment), and must be on file prior to the change to candidacy status.

            Presentation Fellowship

            Yes, the Student Government Association also funds individual student and group travel requests. See www.ucfsga.com or contact the Student Outreach Services office in the Student Union, room 208, or at sosgrad@ucf.edu.

            Once they are reviewed and approved by the College of Graduate Studies, Presentation Fellowships are disbursed through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, based on instructions provided by the Graduate College. Fellowship payment will first be applied to your account balance. Remaining funds will be disbursed to you either as a check mailed to the current mailing address of record or as a direct deposit into your account if you have provided the bank information in myUCF.

            The Graduate Presentation Fellowship application is available in your myUCF Student Center. Once you log into myUCF, click on Student Self Service and then Student Center. In the Student Center, scroll down to the Graduate Students section. Select the Presentation FellowshipApplication fromm the “choose Graduate Form” drop-down menu.


            Only one Graduate Presentation Fellowship application per student may be funded per academic year.

            You must be an enrolled graduate student in good academic standing who is delivering a research presentation or comparable creative activity at a professional meeting. You must also be the primary student author and presenter. To maintain the award, you must complete the Graduate Presentation Fellowship Report upon your return and provide proof of conference attendance.  You must be enrolled during the term of the award and at the time of the presentation to qualify for the payment.

            Program of Study

            Yes, even though a "to do" item will appear on your myUCF record, it will not prevent registration. However, if you do not submit the Program of Study in the time frame outlined above a Registration HOLD will be placed on your account. It is best to work with your College/Program adviser to submit your POS as soon as possible to prevent registration delays. 

            If you are admitted to a new or additional graduate program, you will need to submit a new POS. Schedule a meeting with your advisor to help guide you through the changes. Familiarize yourself with UCF Graduate Policies, so that your proposed changes do not violate policy and cause delays in your graduation.

            For any questions, concerns or issues regarding the Program of Study, please send an email to graddegr@ucf.edu.

            If you do not submit a POS by the designated deadline, you will receive a registration hold that will prevent you from registering for classes. If you miss the deadline for transfer credits, you will lose the opportunity to request transfer credits.

            A Program of Study is a listing of coursework agreed to by you and your program advisor. A Program of Study form can be obtained from your graduate program director.

            A Program of Study for students seeking a master's or specialist degree should be on file with the College of Graduate Studies by the end of the student's second term. A Program of Study for students seeking a doctoral degree should be on file with the College of Graduate Studies by the end of the third major term of enrollment (based on full-time enrollment) and must be on file prior to the change to candidacy status.

            For most graduate students, your initial advisor is your Graduate Program Director. If you do not already know who this person is, you can find them in the Graduate Catalog under your specific graduate Program.

            Student Life

            Please visit our online calendar of events for daily and monthly events each semester.

            In general, UCF does not offer housing for graduate students on the main east Orlando campus. However, graduate students are eligible for UCF-Affiliated Housing that is located near the main campus (e.g., Knights Circle, The Point at Central, and NorthView) and the Rosen and Downtown campuses. Also, a variety of additional housing options are often listed on the UCF Off-Campus Housing Website.


            Thesis and Dissertation

            The timeliness of format reviews varies primarily on the proximity of posted deadlines. Submissions at or near deadlines may take 5-7 business days to receive a response. Submissions during less busy times of the term rarely exceed 2-5 business days. You should plan accordingly.

            UCF requires all ETDs to adhere to certain university-wide format specifications. The Microsoft Word template and all other formatting information, instructions, and tutorial files are contained within the Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Webcourse. Please see the Thesis and Dissertation page for the current Webcourse link.

            Yes! There is a Microsoft Word and a LaTex template to help with formatting. We recommend students also attend a workshop and seek out formatting help the Graduate Student Center to achieve proper ETD formatting. Please see the Thesis and Dissertation page for details.

            The Thesis and Dissertation Office is your primary resource for all things ETD. In particular, the Office:

            • Publishes the Thesis and Dissertation Manual, template, and other resources
            • Updates the thesis and dissertation web information
            • Manages the Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Webcourse
            • Performs format reviews and approvals
            • Processes thesis and dissertation paperwork and final submissions
            • Conducts thesis and dissertation workshops
            • Provides formatting support
            • Answers general process and format questions

            All graduate students completing a thesis or dissertation must submit their thesis or dissertation to the College of Graduate Studies for format review prior to the format deadline in the student's final term. Additionally, in order to make a final thesis or dissertation submission to the university's institutional repository, students must first gain format approval. Please see the Graduate Thesis and Dissertation page for additional information on the format review process.

            An ETD is simply an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation. It’s a digital rather than a paper document. An ETD may have multimedia files, hypertext links and other interactive features, along with text. Today, all UCF theses and dissertations are ETDs.

            The Survey of Earned Doctorates is an annual census conducted jointly by six federal agencies of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees in the United States. Doctoral students will be sent the survey link upon receiving format approval of their dissertation. Additional information is available on this brochure.

            A student's best resource for proper writing within the discipline is their adviser. Students should also review articles from journals within their discipline to see examples of discipline-specific writing.

            The University Writing Center also offers writing services to thesis and dissertation students, including document feedback and long-term project planning.

            Finally, students looking for assistance with formatting their document should check the Thesis and Dissertation Webpage for available Help times, or send an email to ETDHelp@ucf.edu.

            The metadata, citation information, and abstract for your ETD will be made available to the following sites: UCF Libraries’ catalog, UCF's STARS institutional repository, WorldCat, NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations), Worldwide ETD search, and search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, among others, ensuring wider distribution.

            Please note: if you have restricted the dissemination of your thesis or dissertation, only the catalog information would be available through these sources; the PDF file will not be available for public viewing until the dissemination restriction has been fulfilled.


            All transcripts must be ordered through Parchment. If you remember your NID, you may order through myUCF. To request a transcript, go to: myUCF > Student Self Service > Student Center > Under the Academics subheader in the center of the page, click on the “other academic…” drop-down menu and select “Transcript: Request Official.”

            A $15.00 charge is required for each transcript ordered to cover the expense of the transcript and the servicer’s service charge. All transcript orders are non-refundable.

            If you do not remember your NID, you may self-register for transcript ordering through our vendor, Parchment.

            Traveling Scholars

            A Traveling Scholar must be recommended by his or her own graduate advisor, who will initiate a visiting arrangement with the appropriate faculty member of the host institution. Interested applicants must complete a Traveling Scholars Request Form.

            If plans change and you do not enroll in the course(s) at the institution and in the term, you indicated on your form, please send a written notification to graddegr@ucf.edu so that we can update your records.

            Only up to six (6) credit hours may be obtained as a Traveling Scholar and used in a graduate plan of study. Graduate students are not allowed to be traveling scholars in their final, or graduation, term except by prior approval of the UCF College of Graduate Studies.

            The Traveling Scholar Form must be completed by the student and approved by the UCF College of Graduate Studies before any coursework can be taken. The student will register at the host institution and will pay tuition and/or registration fees according to fee schedules established at that institution. To obtain credit for approved Traveling Scholar courses, grades obtained must be a B- or higher and the student must request an official transcript be sent from the host institution to the UCF College of Graduate Studies.

            The Traveling Scholar status enables a UCF graduate student to take advantage of special resources available at other colleges/universities that are not available at UCF (for example, special course offerings, research opportunities, unique laboratories, and library collections).

            The deadline to submit your Traveling Scholar Request Form is the last day of add/drop for the semester in which courses are being requested. Please see the Academic Calendar for exact dates.

            Credits earned at another institution while in Traveling Scholar status will be considered internal transfer credits and do not count toward the student's graduate status GPA. These hours may count toward UCF residency requirements if prior approval is obtained.

            Tuition Remission

            University fellows receive tuition remission in the form of tuition waivers, while GTAs, GRAs and GAs receive tuition remission in the form of tuition waivers and/or payments from their employing units.

            Log into myUCF and click on Student Self Service. From there, click on Student Center and scroll down to the Finances section. Click on "Fee Invoice" to view your term bill. Tuition remission details will appear in the Payments, Waivers, Third Party, Aid section of your fee invoice.

            Tuition waivers will show as credit on your term bill starting about two weeks before the first day of classes, based on approved assistantship and enrollment. Tuition payments will show as credit on your term bill after add/drop closes, starting the first business day after add/drop closes.