Graduate Teaching

Graduate Teaching

Appointment as a GTA is Seen as an Integral Part of Students' Graduate Educational Experience
Graduate Teaching

About UCF’s Graduate Teaching

Most programs offer assistantships in which students serve as a research or teaching associate or assistant. Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) may be appointed as classroom teachers (instructors of record), co-teachers or classroom assistants, graders, lab assistants, or other roles directly related to classroom instruction.

Appointment as a GTA is seen as an integral part of students’ graduate educational experience and essential to their professional development and preparation for employment in academia, industry, or government after graduation.

GTAs may be assigned as instructors of record for undergraduate courses, as assistants to the faculty in their teaching responsibilities or in other roles directly related to credit-earning formal course instruction, or as tutors for students on specific course-related material or general skills. GTAs assisting members of the faculty may have responsibilities that include assisting in laboratory courses, grading, preparation of course materials, or performing clerical tasks associated with course instruction. GTAs assigned as the instructor of record for an undergraduate course must be hired as a Graduate Teaching Associate and have the required GTA training and teaching qualifications. GTAs cannot be assigned as the instructor of record for a graduate level course.

Descriptions of GTA Positions

Graduate teaching associates (job code 1106), assistants (job code 1107), and graders (job code 1109) support the teaching mission of the university and can be hired under three GTA job categories:

GTA Training Requirements

In order to be appointed as a GTA (graduate teaching associate, assistant, or grader), students must have completed the UCF GTA Training requirement by the semester deadline. There are no exceptions to the GTA Training requirement. Any training modules started in the 2024-2025 Webcourse but not completed by May 31, 2025 will have to be redone in the 2025-2026 GTA Training Webcourse. Registration details for the 2024-2025 GTA Associate Trainings are below.

Completion of the Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty program satisfies the requirement for GTA Grader, Assistant, and Associate Trainings. The Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty course will only meet the GTA Training requirement if completed in a prior semester. It is not sufficient to attend the Certificate course concurrently with your first teaching experience if you have not taken the GTA Grader, Assistant, and Associate Trainings.

In addition to completing the required trainings, all student employees must complete UCF’s “Supporting Students in Distress” training for faculty and staff that addresses mental health and suicide prevention. Register for this training through Workday. This requirement is monitored by Human Resources and not the College of Graduate Studies. For questions about this training, please contact the Human Resources Business Center for your college or hiring program.

Semester Deadlines

Required GTA Training

Grader (online)Assistant (online)Associate (online)Associate (face-to-face)Minimum Score
GTA Grader YESNONONONot Required
GTA Assistant YESYESNONO59 on the “new” Versant Test as of January 2025.
58 on the Versant Test taken prior to January 2025.
(Prior to Spring 2018 – 50 on the SPEAK Test)
GTA Associate *YESYESYESYES70 on the “new” Versant Test as of January 2025.
69 on the Versant Test prior to January 2025.
(Prior to Spring 2018 – 55 on the SPEAK Test)

*GTA Associates must complete online Grader, Assistant, and Part I Associate Training and also attend an Associate face-to-face workshop (see below).

**Applies to students who are non-native speakers of English and do not have a degree from a U.S. institution. See “English Speaking Test” below for more information.

Exception Policy

There is no exception to the GTA Training requirement. Students who complete this requirement by the stated deadline may be hired as GTAs. Students who do not complete the GTA Training requirement as described above may not be hired as GTAs for the current semester. In particular, the late hiring of GTAs, international considerations, and the existence of departmental training programs do not obviate or mitigate the GTA Training requirement.

GTA Associate Training

The GTA Associate Training is mandatory before any graduate student will be permitted to teach independently and have full responsibility for all pedagogical aspects of the assigned course(s). To qualify as a GTA Associate, students must complete the GTA Grader and Assistant online modules, as well as the GTA Associate online module in UCF Webcourses and attend a face-to-face workshop presented by the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) hosts the face-to-face workshop once prior to the start of the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms on the Friday before classes begin for the full term.

The Summer 2025 GTA Associate Face-to-Face session will be offered once before the semester. It will be administered in person from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm on Friday, May 9, 2025 in Classroom Building 1 (CB1), room 205. There are no additional sessions prior to Summer 2025.

To serve as a GTA Associate, students must have completed a master’s degree in the teaching discipline or have completed 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline prior to the start of the term of the assistantship.

Please register for the GTA Training to complete all the required training for your assistantship prior to the start of the term. To register for the 2024-2025 GTA Training (Grader, Assistant, and Associate Part I online modules), visit New GTA Associates must also complete the GTA Associate meeting (face-to-face GTA training). More details are below.

GTA Face-to-Face Meeting – GTA Associates

If you are going to be a Graduate Teaching Associate (i.e. Instructor of Record), you must complete the one-day face-to-face training.

The only reasons you would NOT need to take the training are if you:

There are no exceptions to this training requirement.

Prerequisites for completing the Face-to-Face GTA training – Students should complete the Grader, Assistant, and Part 1 & 2 Associate Training modules in the GTA Training Webcourse before participating in the GTA meeting for GTA Associates (face-to-face).

The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning website is also updated with information on GTA training.

If you will be teaching online or remotely, be sure to consult your department about any additional training you may need through the Center for Distributed Learning.

GTA Associate Training

Registration Links

Registration Opens

Registration Closes

Summer 2025

The Summer 2025 GTA Associate Face-to-Face workshop is held in person on May 9 from 9am-4pm.
GTA Grader, Assistant, and Associate Parts 1 & 2:

GTA Associate Face-to-Face Session:


All training must be completed prior to the start of the term of your GTA appointment

Be sure to complete the required trainings for your GTA classification. If you have questions, speak with your hiring department or email

Requests for Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities: The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in this training must contact the Faculty Center at least one week prior to the GTA Training to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the Faculty Center to request accommodations. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Student Accessibility Services, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodations from the Faculty Center.

GTA Assistant Training

GTA Assistant TrainingRegisterRegistration Opens2024-2025 Course Closes

Topics include classroom management, learning styles, testing and grading, and more.

Delivery: Online

Note: The online GTA Grader training is a pre-requisite to the GTA Assistant training. We recommend completing the Grader and Assistant trainings within the same year.
June 1May 31

GTA Grader Training

GTA Grader TrainingRegisterRegistration Opens2024-2025 Course  Closes
Topics include policies and procedures of the university and teaching.

Delivery: Online

Note: If you anticipate being a GTA Assistant in the future, we recommend you take the online Grader and Assistant trainings within the same year.
June 1May 31

Unable to Register for GTA Training?

Contact the College of Graduate Studies at with questions.

English Speaking Test

Students who are non-native speakers of English and do not have a degree from a U.S. institution must pass the Versant English Speaking test before they will be permitted to teach as Graduate Teaching Associates or Graduate Teaching Assistants. The Versant test is not required for students who will be appointed as a Graduate Teaching Grader.

Effective Spring 2018, UCF’s English Language Institute began offering the Versant English Test in place of the SPEAK Test. The Versant English Speaking test is administered by the English Language Institute and takes about 20 minutes. The College of Graduate Studies will cover the cost of your first Versant test if you take it at the beginning of the Fall or Spring semester (Test I).

The Versant English Test requirement applies to all students from countries where English is not the native language; however, such students will be exempt if they have completed a previous degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university, from a country where English is the only official language, or from a university at which English is the only official language of instruction, or they have received a score of 26 or higher on the Speak portion of the ibt TOEFL. Only exempted students and those who have attended the UCF GTA Training and satisfactorily passed the evaluation of their English-speaking skills may be assigned as GTAs.

Qualifying for Free English-Speaking Training

The university provides you with free English-Speaking training if you score between 58 and 68 on the initial Versant English Speaking Test taken prior to January 2025 or between a 59 and 69 for a test taken January 2025 and onward. To qualify, you must take your initial Versant Test at the beginning of the Fall or Spring semester on one of the “Test 1” date(s) listed in the Testing Schedule below. You must also attend the 12-week in person Oral Communication for Internationals (OCI) training and complete the required Versant test (Test II in the Testing Schedule) in that same semester. Failure to complete the required OCI training (including the successful completion of the Seminar Project) or the Versant Test at the end of the semester will result in you being charged for the OCI training and Versant Test.

For test dates, see

See “English-Speaking Ability for Graduate Teaching Assistants” at Graduate Assistantships in the current Graduate Catalog regarding the details of the university’s payment for this training and your responsibilities in order to receive this funding.

Information about the changes to the English Speaking Test and OCI Training is also available on the Versant Test and OCI Training Updates Flyer.

Testing Schedule

Test Dates RegisterRegistration OpensRegistration Closes
May 5, 2025 (Summer I)
(Cost not covered by the College of Graduate Studies)
See UCF GlobalApril 7, 2025May 2, 2025
June 2, 2025 (Summer II)
(Cost not covered by the College of Graduate Studies)
See UCF GlobalMay 5, 2025May 30, 2025
August 4, 2025 (Fall I)
See UCF Global June 23, 2025August 1, 2025
August 11, 2025 (Fall I)
See UCF Global June 23, 2025August 8, 2025
October 6, 2025 (Fall II)
See UCF Global September 8, 2025October 3, 2025
December 17, 2025 (Spring I)
See UCF Global November 17, 2025December 16, 2025
January 5, 2026 (Spring I)
See UCF GlobalNovember 17, 2025January 2, 2026
March 2, 2026 (Spring II)
See UCF GlobalFebruary 2, 2026February 27, 2026

Students must register for the Versant Test online at All inquiries regarding the Versant Test should be directed to the English Language Institute (UCF Global, GB Suite 301) or phone 407-823-5515.

For additional information regarding the Versant Test and OCI course schedules and registration, please go to the UCF Global website at

GTA Performance Assessments

UCF requires that the teaching-related performances of all Graduate Teaching Associates, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Teaching Assistant-Graders be assessed at the end of each term that the student serves as a GTA.

Departments and colleges may use any assessment tool available and gather information from any source that they determine to be relevant in order to conduct assessments of GTAs and to supplement the online UCF GTA Performance Assessment. For example, departments may rely upon classroom visits, other informational observations, student ratings of instruction, other input from students, interviews and discussions with the GTA and other evidence of performance that are available to the department.

The GTA assessment is documented through the submission of the online GTA Performance Assessment to the UCF College of Graduate Studies. This form constitutes a summary rating based on the areas of performance that were required in the GTA’s teaching-related assignment(s). The GTA’s assigned Faculty Supervisor (the person so listed on the student’s GTA assistantship agreement) submits the rating online after appropriate consultation with the Department Chair, Graduate Program Director, or other relevant individuals. This summative assessment will be discussed with the student, and the student will be given an opportunity to respond to the assessment.

Instructions for GTAs

Once your faculty supervisor has completed your GTA Performance Assessment Form, you will receive a notification to your UCF Knights email. You will also have a “To Do” item in your myUCF Student Center. To complete the GTA Performance Assessment Form, you will do the following:

  1. Login your myUCF ( account
  2. Click on Student Self Service to enter your Student Center
  3. From within your Student Center page, scroll down to the Graduate Students section
  4. Select GTA Performance Assessment from the choose Graduate Form drop-down box and click the Go arrow
  5. Review your GTA Performance Assessment and add comments if you wish to do so
  6. Approve the form. You should receive a notice to your Knights email that the form was submitted.

The completed GTA Performance Assessment is recorded electronically in the student’s academic file by the UCF College of Graduate Studies.

Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty

The Karen L. Smith Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning offers a Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty Program every semester. This is a voluntary program on teaching in higher education, primarily intended for graduate teaching assistants but open to all UCF graduate students. The format for this program is in person. Graduate students in the (PTP) course meet weekly and engage in a learning community facilitated by Faculty Center staff. Texts will be provided, and the course is free to all graduate students who are registered in at least one credit hour of coursework at UCF. Participation is limited, so please enroll early.

Students should visit Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty Program for more information and to register by the appropriate deadline.

Participants who fulfill the course requirements are exempt from the need to take the GTA Training in future semesters. Important note: The Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty Program will only meet the GTA Training requirements if completed in a prior semester. It is not sufficient to attend the Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty Program concurrently with your first teaching experience if you have not taken the GTA Training.

Graduate Teaching Awards

UCF sponsors awards for excellence in graduate student teaching. Additional information regarding the application/nomination process is available at Graduate Student Awards or from your Graduate Program Director.