Graduate College


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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Pretty Soon, Floridians May No Longer Need to Wait to Turn Left on Red

Waiting for a left-turn signal to change at an intersection can seem like an eternity, especially when there is no oncoming traffic. However, a University of Central Florida researcher is...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Another National Honor for One of UCF’s Physics Faculty

For a second consecutive year, one of UCF’s physics faculty members has been selected for the Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program. Physics Assistant Professor Luca Argenti is one of...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Researcher’s AI Tutoring Tool Targets Improving Student Studying Skills

Effective studying is a skill, but it’s one students sometimes don’t learn despite years of schooling. A University of Central Florida researcher has developed a computer-based, artificial intelligence tutoring tool...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

New Frog Species Named after UCF Professor

UCF student Veronica Urgiles has just helped describe two new frog species she discovered in Ecuador and named one of them after one of her professors. “Frogs are by far...
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Research Student Life

For Those Who Dream of Space, UCF is the Place

Space university – who wouldn’t want to go there? The same year that the United States’ Apollo 8 mission first sent humans to orbit the moon, the University of Central...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Apollo 11 Shaped UCF Scientist, Nation and World’s Love Affair with Space

If the Apollo 11 mission had never happened, UCF scientist and alum Phil Metzger ’00MS ’05PhD may never have pursued a career that today has him working on ways to mine water from the...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Engineering Chair Named Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry

Sudipta Seal, PhD, an engineering professor and chair of UCF’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, has been named a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, one of the oldest...
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Events and Announcements Research

NASA Awards $7.5 Million to UCF’s Center for Lunar and Asteroid Surface Science

NASA awarded a $7.5 million grant to UCF’s Center for Lunar and Asteroid Surface Science (CLASS), helping secure the next five years of the center’s bright future. “This win goes a long...
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UCF Method Could Make More Light Wavelengths Available for Scientific Tools

A new technique from researchers with the University of Central Florida could make more light wavelengths available for a number of scientific applications, including biochemistry, metrology, and spectroscopy. Their findings...
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NASA’s New Horizons Mission: It’s Only Getting More Mysterious

NASA’s New Horizons mission continues to fly toward the outer edges of our solar system, now more than 4.1 billion miles from Earth with a cruising speed of 33,000 mph....
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