Around Campus


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Around Campus Research

UCF and imec Developing Sensor to Detect Fires Remotely

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is turning to the University of Central Florida to develop new technology to help keep first responders safe during potentially toxic fires. It’s doing...
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3MT Around Campus Events and Announcements Professional Development Prospective Students Research Student Life Student Spotlight

The second 3MT Winner is…

Frogs on fire, copper versus silicon, motivating volunteer combat fighters and lithium car batteries were just a few of the topics at the Second UCF Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition...
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Around Campus Events and Announcements Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Professor Part of Team Awarded the Sir Arthur Clarke Award

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Team, which includes UCF physics Professor Dan Britt, was awarded the 2019 Sir Arthur Clarke Award, one of the most prestigious space-exploration awards in the world....
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Around Campus Research

Limbitless Solutions, UCF Highlighted at Adobe MAX 2019 by Adobe CEO

Adobe, one of the largest design software companies in the world, kicked off its annual Adobe MAX conference in Los Angeles Monday with a shout out to UCF-based Limbitless Solutions. Adobe...
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Around Campus Research

Think Big Muscles are the Key to Better Movement in Older Adults? Not so Fast!

Slowing down may not just be an aging thing. Quite literally, walking slower could be an indicator of health problems in your golden years, even more than muscle mass. That’s...
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Around Campus Awards and Recognition Events and Announcements Faculty and Staff Spotlight Luminary Awards Research

Nine Luminary Award Recipients Honored for Making an Impact on the World

The University of Central Florida honored nine outstanding faculty members Wednesday during the third annual Luminary Awards Celebration. The recipients are academic leaders making an impact through their research and...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight

Researchers Make Super Stretchable E-Material Using Kirigami

By combining the ancient Japanese art of paper cutting with nanotechnology, University of Central Florida researchers have created a super flexible electronic material that could have applications in products ranging...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight

Study Finds State Disability Forms Not Complying with Federal Plain Language Act

With school in full swing, parents are signing the inevitable permission slips and forms covering everything from field trips to after school care. However, for parents of children with special...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Postdoctoral Scholars Research

UCF to Help Researchers Seeking to use NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

The University of Central Florida soon will become a resource for researchers in Florida, Puerto Rico and Latin America seeking an opportunity to use the new James Webb Space Telescope...
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Around Campus Events and Announcements Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Engineering Professor Named National Technologist of the Year

UCF engineering Professor Pamela McCauley is no stranger to breaking barriers, but even she was surprised when she was named the 2019 Technologist of the Year by Women of Color magazine. This year is the...
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