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Preparing for Your First Week of Graduate School at UCF
As you embark on graduate study at UCF, the College of Graduate Studies is committed to providing comprehensive assistance throughout your academic journey. Reaching your full potential requires hard work,...
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UCF Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship Drives Excellence, Provides Aid
As the cost of living has risen dramatically over the past several years, financial assistance has become a vital component of student success. There is no doubt that completing a...
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Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Student Wins 2 Prestigious UCF Scholarships
Nandhini Raju ’21MS, a UCF mechanical engineering Ph.D. candidate, recently won two prestigious scholarships for her work at UCF. She has been awarded the Dr. Subrato Chandra Memorial Scholarship from the College...
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Engineering Graduate Fellows Get Hands-on Experience with National Industry Leaders
Seven University of Central Florida graduate students are currently interning at Adobe and 3M, among other leading employers thanks to fellowships supported by the National Graduate Degrees for Minorities in...
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2020 Graduate Studies Annual Report
The UCF College of Graduate Studies published its online 2020 annual report, which provides statistics and a snapshot of the range of services the college provides to our students and...
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Ten UCF Graduate Students Awarded Florida Space Grant Consortium Fellowships
Ten UCF graduate students have been awarded NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium (FSGC) fellowships. The students represent various colleges and disciplines, studying a range of topics in nanotechnology and mechanical...
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15 UCF Students Named National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellows
Angelina Leary, a student in UCF’s Clinical Psychology doctoral program, is one of 15 students at the university named a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. The NSF program recognizes...
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Providing UCF Students Financial Relief
UCF is so proud of the way our students have adapted to learning and studying in new ways, but we recognize that COVID-19 has also led to financial hardships for...
Events and Announcements
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Postdoctoral Scholars
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Fellowship Opportunity
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is now accepting applications for the 2020 Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs. The Ford Foundation aims to increase the diversity of the country’s...
Events and Announcements
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College of Graduate Studies Makes Funds Available to Help Students Publish their Journal Articles
The College of Graduate Studies has launched a pilot program to help students and postdoctoral scholars get their research published in open access journals. Awards of up to $1,500 are... 1 of 1 pages