Faculty and Staff Spotlight


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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight

Researchers Make Super Stretchable E-Material Using Kirigami

By combining the ancient Japanese art of paper cutting with nanotechnology, University of Central Florida researchers have created a super flexible electronic material that could have applications in products ranging...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight

Study Finds State Disability Forms Not Complying with Federal Plain Language Act

With school in full swing, parents are signing the inevitable permission slips and forms covering everything from field trips to after school care. However, for parents of children with special...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Postdoctoral Scholars Research

UCF to Help Researchers Seeking to use NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

The University of Central Florida soon will become a resource for researchers in Florida, Puerto Rico and Latin America seeking an opportunity to use the new James Webb Space Telescope...
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Around Campus Events and Announcements Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Engineering Professor Named National Technologist of the Year

UCF engineering Professor Pamela McCauley is no stranger to breaking barriers, but even she was surprised when she was named the 2019 Technologist of the Year by Women of Color magazine. This year is the...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

NIH Awards UCF Researcher $3.8 Million to Study Opiate Overdoses

he National Institutes of Health (NIH) today announced that UCF will receive a $3.8 million milestone based grant to better understand how overdosing on opiates works, their impact on multiple...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

NEH Grant to Help Faculty Learn to Explore, Document Digital Cultures and Their Impact on Society

YouTubers and trolls on social media can teach us a lot about our culture and societal shifts that are coming or already underway. While anthropologists might study society through artifacts...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Researchers Design Custom-Fit 3D-Printed Medical Devices for Infants

In emergency situations when doctors have to open an infant’s airway to insert a breathing tube, there usually are no tools available to help them, meaning they must use fingers...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Professional Development Research Resources

UCF Launches Podcast Series to Help Researchers Communicate Science

The University of Central Florida Office of Research has launched a 10-part podcast series called Research Decoded to help researchers communicate their work. “Communicating your work and its impact on the world...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Researcher to Study Sexual Misconduct, Abuse in Buddhist Communities

A University of Central Florida researcher recently received a grant to examine sexual misconduct and abuse in Buddhist communities. The $22,000 project is part of an overall $550,000 grant from...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Researcher Works to Make Safer Electric Vehicles

Electric cars are a low-emission alternative to combustion engines; however, their lithium-based batteries can catch fire, thus posing a safety threat that limits the technology. A University of Central Florida...
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