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Around Campus
Faculty and Staff Spotlight
Professional Development
Student Services
Survivor Link National Training Program Launches at UCF
In hopes of equipping students to better understand and assist families facing domestic violence, UCF has joined the network of universities administering Survivor Link. The network provides students pursuing a master’s...
Around Campus
Awards and Recognition
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Student Spotlight
UCF’s First In-person Student Scholar Symposium an Outstanding Success
Amid rows of colorful posters last week, more than 700 students — all eager to present their research to judges, faculty, and their peers — were stationed throughout the Pegasus...
Around Campus
Events and Announcements
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Student Research Week
Student Research Week: The Greater Good Ahead of Selfish Interests is Focus of Marketing Study
Marketing gets a bad rap, but it can create so much good. Mrudul Nilangekar has faith in people and says that’s why she is getting her Ph.D. in business administration...
Around Campus
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Student Research Week
Student Spotlight
Love of Korean Pop Music Leads to Research Project at Student Research Week
Erika Clippinger loves music and she’s sharing that love during this year’s Student Research Week – March 28-April 1. The week, which includes workshops, the Student Scholar Symposium, and more,...
Professional Development
Prospective Students
Student Research Week
Student Spotlight
Student Research Week: The Impact of Disaster Migration on Receiving Communities
When Ashley Steen arrived at UCF, she found research opportunities quickly. As a McNair Scholar, she jumped right into research, which blended her areas of interest — psychology and criminal...
Around Campus
Events and Announcements
Professional Development
Student Research Week
Student Spotlight
Helping Save Endangered Giraffes from Extinction with the Power of Math
UCF graduate student Huntir Bass, who is pursuing a master’s degree in math, knows the power of math to solve problems. And she’ll be presenting about the project at UCF’s annual...
Around Campus
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight
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Student Research Week
Student Spotlight
Student Research Week Kicks off with Seed Funding Program Presentations
Student Research Week kicks off Monday, March 28 with a two-day blitz of research presentations that will provide updates on 37 active research projects funded by UCF’s Seed Funding program....
Around Campus
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Student Research Week
Student Spotlight
Student Research Week Kicks off March 28 with a Whole New Look and Feel
The impact of research is seen every day from the latest smart phone innovation to the way music impacts healing and learning. And at UCF, it’s not just faculty conducting...
Around Campus
Awards and Recognition
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Financial Assistance
Funding Opportunities
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Postdoctoral Scholars
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Prospective Students
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Student Services
Student Spotlight
2020 Graduate Studies Annual Report
The UCF College of Graduate Studies published its online 2020 annual report, which provides statistics and a snapshot of the range of services the college provides to our students and...
Around Campus
Events and Announcements
Professional Development
Student Spotlight