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Awards and Recognition Faculty and Staff Spotlight Fulbright

UCF Pegasus Professor Emerita Receives U.S. Department of State Sponsored Fulbright Specialist Award

A University of Central Florida researcher will be training and assisting in the improvement of waste management services and processes for the city of Bishkek in the Kyrgyz Republic. The...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research Student Spotlight

PHOTOS: Knights Celebrate World Wildlife Day

UCF Knights conduct research around the globe to help understand and conserve wildlife. To celebrate World Wildlife Day, launched on March 3 by the United Nations in 1973 to help raise...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight

UCF Lecturer’s Life Work: Using the Stage to Break Stereotypes, Build a Better Society

Roberta Emerson’s life work revolves around her identity and how people make assumptions about her based on the color of her skin. The UCF visiting lecturer and director of New...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight

UCF Expert on Emergency Management: It’s All About Helping People

Managing large disasters involves having robust plans and moving resources quickly to the right place. Often, it also means giving people a way to find closure. After the 2010 earthquake...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Readability Consortium Forms at UCF to Push Reading Research Boundaries

The one-size-fits-all approach may work in some situations, but not with reading, according to research out of the University of Central Florida. Beyond the familiar problem of text that is...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Earth’s 2022 Valentine – An Asteroid Sharing Our Orbit

Earth has discovered it has a secret valentine — an asteroid called 2020 XL5. An international team of astronomers confirmed this week that the asteroid shares our planet’s orbit, only...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research Student Spotlight

UCF Lands New Project to Study Effect of Rain on Hypersonic Travel

University of Central Florida researchers are part of a new $1 million project funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to better understand and predict how and why...
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Research Student Spotlight

UCF Education Student 1 of 15 in the Nation Selected for NSF CADRE Fellowship

Shalece Kohnke, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in exceptional education, is one of 15 scholars nationwide named a 2022 DRK-12 (Discovery Research PreK-13) U.S. National Science Foundation CADRE Fellow. The...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF to Lead $10M NASA Project to Develop Zero-Carbon Jet Engines

UCF is developing new technology that is expected to make airplane engines emission-free, potentially revolutionizing the aviation industry. UCF put together a team of experts and stakeholders to evaluate their...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

$1 Million Grant to help Strengthen UCF’s Modeling and Simulation Program

any of tomorrow’s jobs haven’t been imagined yet, but those well versed in cutting-edge technologies, such as modeling and simulation will have the competitive edge. UCF’s School of Modeling, Simulation and...
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