Faculty and Staff Spotlight


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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Office of Research Names New Faculty Fellow to Focus on Young Investigator Success

Professor Saiful Khondaker, PhD, has been named a Faculty Fellow in the Office of Research for 2019, a new position created last year to find ways to improve services provided...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Researchers Develop Method to Hide Images and Information in Plain Sight

What is real is not always as it appears. UCF researchers have found a way to hide information on materials and only make it visible to a person using the...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Researcher Launching into Microgravity with Blue Origin

Julie Brisset, an associate scientist in planetary sciences at UCF’s Florida Space Institute, was recently awarded a $250,000 grant from NASA to study levitating dust clouds in microgravity. Brisset, who...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Antioxidant Protects Tissues, DNA from Radiation, New Research Finds

New research shows that a powerful antioxidant may be just as useful one-day protecting beachgoers and cancer patients from radioactive rays as it could astronauts. In a recent study published...
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Around Campus Awards and Recognition Events and Announcements Faculty and Staff Spotlight Luminary Awards Research

11 Faculty Members Honored with Luminary Awards

Families, friends, and colleagues celebrated 11 University of Central Florida faculty members Wednesday during the second annual Luminary Awards Night. The event, co-sponsored by the Office of Research and Faculty Excellence,...
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Prospective Students Research

Discovering Armenia Through Digital Storytelling

UCF researchers and students are combining archaeology and storytelling in a new initiative. Tiffany Earley-Spadoni, an assistant professor in the Department of History, is the director of the Vayots Dzor Fortress...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Researcher Working to Develop Device to Rapidly Detect Heart Attacks

When a heart attack strikes, every second counts, which makes early detection that one is occurring critical for saving lives. Speeding up this detection process is what a University of...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Researchers Working to Reduce Infections in Diabetes-Treatment Device

ontrolling diabetes is often a daily chore for patients with the disease, but researchers at the University of Central Florida are working to make one type of treatment more manageable....
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Around Campus Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF RESTORES Clinic Receives Grant to Develop New VR Software to Treat PTSD

A new $3 million grant from the Department of Defense will help the University of Central Florida’s RESTORES clinic develop its own virtual reality software to treat first responders, veterans, active...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

Changing Health Habits in China

Changing habits, especially when it comes to accessing health care, is a challenge. China is embarking on this road as it attempts to make health care more accessible to rural...
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