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Faculty and Staff Spotlight
UCF Researchers Create Water-repellent Nanomaterial Inspired by Nature
A team of researchers at the University of Central Florida have created a new nanomaterial that repels water and can stay dry even when submerged underwater. The discovery could open...
Faculty and Staff Spotlight
Deadlines May Be Effective in Building Support for Climate Change Action
Human-caused climate change — including increased extreme weather and climate events — is here, according to the recently released United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2021 report, but the...
School Day Structure Could Benefit Children’s Health
Having a structured environment for children, whether during school days or when stuck in quarantine as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, could benefit children’s health, according to new research from the...
Around Campus
UCF Awarded $800,000 Grant to Establish Center on Materials Research and Education
The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded the University of Central Florida an $800,000 grant to help build a partnership with the University of Washington that will accelerate research in...
UCF Moon Dust Research Blasts Off Aboard Blue Origin
University of Central Florida research has blasted off on another high-profile flight with the launch of spaceflight company Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket today. The research, an experiment to study...
UCF Cybersecurity Researcher Leads DARPA-Funded Project to Help Reduce Fraud
From fraudulent COVID-19 small business loans to security breaches that leak shoppers’ credit card data, the exploitation of the complex nature of corporate relationships continues to be a major concern....
Around Campus
UCF Based Limbitless Solutions and Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Launch Clinical Trial
Limbitless Solutions (LSI) and Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children are launching a national study to evaluate the effectiveness of video game-based training aimed at helping children learn how...
Faculty and Staff Spotlight
Student Spotlight
UCF Experimental Space Dirt Used by NASA, Private Companies to Advance Space Exploration
An ingenious idea born out of a research lab at the University of Central Florida has led to a growing operation that is having a direct impact on space exploration....
UCF Leads 14 Talks at DEPS Conference
UCF was well represented at the three-day DEPS Advanced High-Power Laser and Beam Control Conference earlier this month. The annual conference showcases the best of High Energy Laser research and...