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Learning is a Challenge, Even for Scientists

UCF Professor Stephen Fiore has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant to study how faculty from many disciplines work together in an effort to better prepare future researchers for...
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Around Campus Events and Announcements Professional Development Student Life Student Spotlight

Meet Your Graduate Student Association Officer Candidates

The following candidates want to represent you. Voting begins Monday, September 21, and Tuesday, September 22, for the Graduate Student Association Executive Officers. Take a few minutes to read and...
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Animals’ Magnetic ‘Sixth’ Sense May Come from Bacteria, New Paper Suggests

A University of Central Florida researcher is co-author of a new paper that may help answer why some animals have a magnetic “sixth” sense, such as sea turtles’ ability to...
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Around Campus Events and Announcements Prospective Students Student Services

UCF Hosts Its First Virtual Grad Fair Series Beginning this Month

Searching for the right graduate school is going to look a little different this year. The coronavirus pandemic has put a halt to one-on-one visits at many universities and colleges...
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Postdoctoral Scholars Research

UCF Researcher Awarded NASA Grant to Study Little Understood trans-Neptunian Objects

Florida Space Institute Planetary Scientist Estela Fernández-Valenzuela has been awarded a $315,700 NASA grant to use modern-day technology to analyze one of the oldest and least understood objects of our...
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Events and Announcements Policies and Procedures Prospective Students Student Services

What’s New in the 2020 Graduate Catalog?

The UCF College of Graduate Studies is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 Graduate Catalog is available online at The university has approved 15 new graduate certificates and six graduate degree tracks. Graduate...
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Update on Arecibo Observatory Facility After Telescope Damage

Today marks 30 days since the Arecibo Observatory went offline, because an auxiliary cable broke and damaged the dish and Gregorian Dome. While no cause has yet been determined, the AO leadership...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Resources

UCF Researchers are Helping Develop Rapid, Longer Lasting COVID Disinfectant

Current disinfectant products for killing viruses like coronavirus take minutes to fully sanitize surfaces, which isn’t practical on high-contact areas such as door handles, elevators, and banisters. That’s why the...
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Faculty and Staff Spotlight Research

UCF Researchers Are Developing Models to Predict Storm Surges

Storm surges sometimes can increase coastal sea levels 10 feet or more, jeopardizing communities and businesses along the water, but new research from the University of Central Florida shows there...
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Around Campus Events and Announcements Professional Development Student Life Student Services

Graduate Student Association Officer Applications Due

The Graduate Student Association Election process has officially begun. If you would like to run for an officer position of the GSA (President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer) please review...
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