Office Directory

Graduate Studies Contact Information

To join the UCF Graduate community, to keep in touch with your alma mater, or for assistance in reaching your goals while at UCF, contact us. See the office information below, if you can’t find what you’re looking for our receptionist can direct you to the appropriate area.


UCF College of Graduate Studies
Trevor Colbourn Hall, Suite 205A
12796 Aquarius Agora Dr.
Orlando, FL 32816

Mailing Address
PO Box 160112
Orlando, FL 32816-0112

Phone and Fax


Visit us in Trevor Colbourn Hall, Suite 205A

Map pointing to Trevor Colbourn Hall

View UCF Campus Map

Browse our list below for your area of greatest need. We are happy to assist you.

Dean’s Office

College Deans and Administration

Includes the Interim Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, and supporting staff, all of whom work with faculty, staff, and students from around the campus.

Admissions, Recruiting and Funding

The Office of Graduate Admissions, Recruiting and Funding guides prospective students through the application and admissions processes. They provide opportunities and events to learn more about the university and graduate degree programs offered at UCF. They also oversee the administration of graduate fellowships, graduate assistantship hiring, and details related to the health insurance and tuition remission associated with the graduate funding opportunities


This office provides information and events related to graduate education at UCF.


This office oversees the administration of graduate fellowships, graduate assistantship hiring, and details related to the health insurance and tuition remission associated with graduate funding opportunities.

Academic Services, Progress, and Graduation (ASPG)

This office’s primary responsibility is to monitor a student’s progress from admittance through graduation. UCF College of Graduate Studies may dismiss any student if performance standards or academic progress as specified by the program, college, or university are not maintained. Satisfactory performance also involves maintaining the standards of academic progress and professional integrity expected in a particular discipline or program.

Academic Progress

Standards that all graduate students must meet to graduate.

Academic Services

Current graduate students or a graduate student enrolling for the first time questions about your student records.


Appeals from graduate students for variances from graduate program requirements.

Candidacy Requirements

Steps toward your doctoral degree following coursework and before working on the dissertation.


ASPG oversees transfer credit verification, degree audit updates, degree certification, the doctoral hooding ceremony, and issuing diplomas.


This office assists works to increase awareness about graduate education at UCF and support the college in their efforts to communicate with students, faculty, and staff.

Graduate Student Life

The College of Graduate Studies offers opportunities and resources that prepare graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to access the wide range of personal and professional development available to them.

Professional Development

An opportunity for graduate students to build skills needed for their graduate education and preparing them for success after graduation.

Curriculum, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Thesis/Dissertation


This office supports academic excellence through annual awards recognizing faculty mentoring, student teaching, and research achievements. We also manage updates to the graduate catalog and program handbooks, guiding students on UCF’s graduate study options, courses, and resources.

Interdisciplinary Studies

This office manages the Interdisciplinary Studies MA/MS program, enabling students to design their degree with two concentrations from any UCF department, offering flexible completion options to meet personal and career goals.

Thesis and Dissertation

This office supports graduate students with formatting, editing, and with the filing of their theses or dissertations. All thesis and dissertation students should access the Thesis and Dissertation Webcourse early in the process.

Graduate Faculty and Graduate Faculty Scholars

In order to teach graduate courses or serve as a member of a thesis or doctoral committee, faculty must be nominated and approved as a graduate faculty or graduate faculty scholar.

Postdoctoral Scholar Affairs

Postdoctoral scholars (Postdocs) are individuals here for a limited time to conduct advanced research and obtain scholarly training in preparation for academic positions.

Student Organizations


Graduate Council

Graduate Partners

Graduate Alumni

Career Services

Office of Research

 UCF Global International Students and Scholars

UCF Library

UCF Online

UCF Writing Center